Hybrid boat propulsion in a nutshell

Hybrid boat propulsion always leads to a more efficient solution, whether you charge through renewable energy, use a diesel generator or have a secondary electric motor on board.

Extended range
For shorter journeys or when quiet operation is desired, electric mode can be utilized. For longer voyages or when faster speeds are needed, the diesel engine can take over ensuring the boat doesn't run out of power in the middle of a trip.

Hybrid boating leads to a quieter, more serene boating experience, especially beneficial in calm waters or protected marine areas where noise can be disruptive to wildlife.
Hybrid boating with a generator

Hybrid boating with renewable energy
Whether you want to use on board solar panels, a wind turbine or regeneration through your propeller when sailing, we support you. We have the solution to charge your main battery pack with these renewables. Boating directly on solar or wind power is nearly impossible, but you could charge your battery during the week and then cruise with a fully charged battery during the weekend or just use renewables to extend your boating range.
Electric motor next to the diesel engine
For some type of boats, like speed boats, complete electric propulsion is still challenging due to the high energy usage. Therefore, for these boats a second electric motor used for slow boating could be a good solution. The diesel engine is then only used for high power outputs at high speeds.